
Education: enabling people to act

The world needs to become greener, smarter, more just, and safer. However, to do so it needs educational systems that are more accessible and focused on the future. In particular, it is important to foster digital expertise and the natural sciences.

Education is highly valuable, on both individual and overall societal levels. Education enriches our lives, delivers new insight, and fosters self-awareness. It enables higher incomes and social advancement, well-being and progress. However, in light of the dynamic changes going on in the world, a new ideal of education is needed to enable us all to act with a clearer focus on the future.

The concept of education for sustainable development aims to achieve exactly this, within the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). This will allow the 17 SDGs to be achieved on a broader basis. However, as of 2023 they had only been implemented at a rate of twelve percent – meaning the UN concept of sustainable education needs to achieve much greater resonance worldwide.

Expanding sustainable educational systems

To create a sustainable world in any comprehensive sense, people need more knowledge and more expertise, as well as unifying values based on a common sense of humanity and altruism. A greater awareness of the need for this kind of change is also essential. To achieve this, however, educational systems must become much more accessible. Currently, students from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds are the minority in 60 percent of European countries; only 20 percent of university students come from lower-class families.

Recognizing and utilizing potential

In a rapidly changing world where digitization and in particular artificial intelligence are changing our everyday lives and our work at a high rate of speed, it is essential to establish “digital competence” as a fixed part of general education. In addition, we absolutely need to foster competence in the natural sciences and make them a higher educational priority.

Many young people are interested in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math), but only 25 percent of new OECD students take these subjects. Often, little effort is made to stimulate interest in the natural sciences among girls or – even worse – girls may be discouraged from studying these subjects, or their potential may not be recognized. This runs contrary to the needs of the economy, which often suffers from a lack of trained scientists.

According to one study, there could be 50 million open positions in STEM fields by 2030. To utilize this potential, we should make STEM professions more attractive and get male and female students alike excited about them from grade school on. Through exciting, practical instruction, we can spark their interest in STEM subjects and motivate young people to enter into careers in the natural sciences.

“It is becoming more and more difficult to get young, talented students interested in careers in the natural sciences. The chemical industry, in particular, needs much bolder initiatives to make their diverse and interesting career paths more attractive. Covestro is doing so in many different ways: for example, we offer a wide range of entry-level positions to help young people get started in STEM professions. Better education in the natural sciences in schools would help us!”

Sophie von Saldern

Global Head of Human Resources

Education as the key to success

Because of this, the entire economy is working to better demonstrate the attractiveness of STEM professions and the potential of digitization. The chemical industry, which is reliant on science, in particular is an important driver of education for sustainable development and is supporting the global transformation. It contributes fact-based thinking and action, collaboration based on partnership, and a high level of innovation at the interface between technology and the natural sciences.

At Covestro, we are aware of our responsibility, and are involved in a wide range of educational initiatives. Our goal is to foster expertise in STEM fields and get the next generation excited about these forward-thinking areas. Covestro is doing so worldwide through a large number of projects to promote education – all of which are intended to help young people take active responsibility and initiative in shaping their futures in an increasingly complex world.

For more education: Covestro supports projects around the world

  • Partnership with greenlight4girls (global)

    Covestro is working to get girls between the ages of eleven and 15 more interested in STEM fields. Because of this, the company has been working with the global non-profit organization Greenlight for Girls (g4g) since 2015. Together with g4g, Covestro has already held a large number of events in multiple countries, such as the USA, Mexico, India, Brazil, Belgium and Great Britain.

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  • STEM scholarships for girls (India)

    Together with the organization Katalyst, Covestro is helping women from low-income communities in India gain professional education. 25 girls are receiving four-year scholarships with personal support, help in finding internships, and access to modern technology. The goal: girls receiving the fellowships can increase their qualification level for the labor market and be able to take on management and innovation-focused positions in the future.

  • MagicMaterial initiative (Taiwan)

    With its MagicMaterial initiative, Covestro is promoting early childhood education in Taiwan. Children between six and twelve years of age are introduced to the world of science early on through kid-friendly experiments and games. In addition to an “online lab” and a science club in Taichung, Covestro has set up two additional “Covestro MagicMaterial School Science Clubs” in schools for the hearing-impaired in Tainan and Taipei.

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  • Promote digitization (Germany)

    Promote digitization (Germany) Covestro supports projects that foster digitization in educational settings at its North Rhine Westphalia locations on an ongoing basis. In addition to establishing and supporting central competence centers, the company is also helping individual schools purchase the technical equipment they need. The support is going, in particular, to schools in socially disadvantaged areas without their own funding agencies.

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Further topics

Curious? You can find further information on important topics related to Covestro Germany here.

  • Sustainability

    Circular Economy – Closing the Loop

    To overcome challenges like climate change, we have to find new solutions. Learn more about why Circular Economy is Covestro's global guiding principle!

  • We are paving the way for a sustainable future


    When it comes to innovation, Covestro sets benchmarks in product development, customer focus, process optimization and new business models. Learn more!

  • Company

    People and Culture

    Behind the success of Covestro stands a highly diverse and motivated global workforce.

  • Global Trends

    Global Trends

    Mankind is faced with great challenges. Despite their differences, they mostly have one thing in common: The need for innovative and sustainable materials. Covestro is on the case: We are tackling numerous global trends and developing solutions for a world worth living in.

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