
Analysts´ Ratings

Financial analysts analyze and valuate Covestro and publish analyst reports with an investment recommendation about the company. The following list of key financial analysts has been drawn up to the best of our knowledge. Covestro cannot give any assurance that the list represents a full overview of all analyst reports available on the market.

Any opinions, forecasts, estimates, projections or predictions regarding the performance of Covestro made by the analysts are theirs alone and do not represent the opinions, forecasts, estimates, projections or predictions of Covestro management. By providing the names of the analysts, Covestro does not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with their reports, conclusions or recommendations. Covestro assumes no liability for the accuracy of such information.

Important notice:

This list serves information purposes only and is not to be interpreted as any recommendation to buy, hold or sell any securities.

Bank Analyst
Alembic Global Hassan Ahmed
+1 212 907 5351
Barclays Alex Stewart
+44 20 355 54957
Berenberg Sebastian Bray
+44 20 3753 3011
Citi Sebastian Satz
+44 20 7986 4025
Deutsche Bank Virginie Boucher-Ferte
+33 144 9559 34
Exane BNP Paribas Laurent Favre
+44 20 3430 8518
HSBC Martin Evans
+44 20 7991 2814
Jefferies Chris Counihan
+44 20 7548 4676
J.P.Morgan Chetan Udeshi
+44 20 7742 7034
Kepler Cheuvreux Christian Faitz
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg Ulle Wörner
Metzler Thomas Schulte-Vorwick
+49 69 2104 234
Morgan Stanley Lisa De Neve
+44 20 7677 0250
ODDO BHF Michael Schäfer
+49 69 718 3044a
Onfield Research Jaideep Pandya
+44 203 9500 912
Stifel Isha Sharma
+49 89 99929 8272
UBS Geoff Haire
+44 20 7568 8327

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