
Science: Joining forces to find solutions

The necessity of strengthening the sciences is closely linked to the discussion about a lack of education and factual information. This is because good science is the key to solving pressing global challenges. However, it requires more room for maneuver and, in particular, an even closer alliance with the business community.

The climate crisis, growing inequality, the digital revolution: Business and society are on the brink of profound change. In order to overcome these enormous challenges and create a sustainable world, scientific progress is vital. Innovations are not just solutions to problems, as they also contribute to the prosperity and well-being of both individuals and society as a whole.

Expanding cooperations

One important factor in generating innovation and driving progress is that science and business work closely together. The interplay between basic application-oriented research in universities and research and development in companies is crucial to accelerating the implementation of new insights and developments. This allows new ideas to be brought to market quickly and made available to people.

“Close cooperation with industry is essential for strong, practical science and its perception by the public. If joint successes and innovations are given greater prominence, this will hopefully help to shake off any lethargy, make factual knowledge and education more attractive, and give fresh impetus to progress. And in this way, we can also effectively counter the increasing skepticism about science.”

Dr. Torsten Heinemann

Head of Group Innovation & Sustainability, Covestro

On the other hand, scientific progress is now taking place more slowly instead of faster. For example, science has increasingly tended to follow familiar paths and optimize existing knowledge, which makes disruptive breakthroughs rare. In the future, we will therefore need more freedom to pursue unconventional ideas and to be able to afford the necessary detours and sometimes even wrong turns.

More acceptance for science

What we also need is greater openness to technology and less risk aversion throughout society. This means both anchoring science more firmly in society as well as increasing its acceptance. There is a high (18 percent) to medium (54 percent) level of trust in research among the population around the world. However, skepticism towards science is on the rise again.

Scientific consensus – for example, on topics such as climate change or the theory of evolution – is often rejected. The rise in “fake news” and conspiracy theories increasingly discredits fact-based, science-oriented thinking and actions. Business can and must contribute to preserving society’s trust in science and helping it to gain more public resonance.

Fostering a spirit of innovation

As a research-based chemical company, Covestro aims to develop innovative products, technologies, and solutions that contribute to meeting the multi-faceted challenges of our time. The company is involved in broad-based research collaborations around the world, pursuing strategic partnerships with renowned universities, and promoting young academics.

Internally, Covestro relies on an innovative corporate culture and encourages the innovative spirit of all employees. The company’s culture is based on three central values: Everyone in the company always strives to be curious, courageous, and colorful.

For more science: Covestro supports projects around the world

  • Cooperations with universities (global)

    Covestro maintains long-standing and strategic partnerships with various universities. These include, for example, RWTH Aachen University (CAT Catalytic Center), Tongji University in Shanghai (materials for sustainable construction and urban planning), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Circular Economy). Covestro also cooperates with the Shanghai Institute for Organic Chemistry (SIOC), the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai (China), and Tohoku University in Tokyo (Japan) in the field of chemical recycling of polymers.

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  • Research consortia for innovative recycling (Europe)

    The Europe-wide research project Circular FOAM, coordinated by Covestro, aims to close the material cycle for rigid polyurethane foams. The project involves 22 partners from industry and science in nine European countries. As part of the joint “PUReSmart” project, Covestro and its partners have also developed an innovative process for the chemical recycling of flexible polyurethane foam from used mattresses. The process allows for the two raw material components polyol and TDA to be recovered.

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  • Joint research on bio-based aniline (Germany)

    Covestro is propelling the implementation of a unique process for producing the important chemical aniline completely from plant biomass instead of crude oil for the first time. The company developed the new technology together with scientific partners. In a dedicated pilot plant at the Leverkusen site, tests are being carried out to transfer it to an industrial scale. Aniline is used to produce highly efficient insulation for buildings and refrigeration appliances.

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  • Support for STEM students (USA)

    Covestro supports the “Future of STEM Scholars Initiative (FOSSI)” of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AiChE) in the USA. Scholarships are awarded to students with STEM degrees from historically African-American colleges and universities (HBCUs). In addition to financial support, these scholarships also include internships and offer mentoring opportunities at the participating companies.

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  • Innovation awards (Germany)

    Covestro has already received numerous awards in Germany for its multi-faceted innovations, including the “NRW - Economy in Transition” competition and the “Innovative through Research” seal of approval from the Donors’ Association for German Science (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft). Other awards include the Innovation Award from the German government and German industry for bio-based aniline (2018), the Responsible Care Award from the VCI Northern Regional Association for a steam generator optimization concept (2018), and the special award for “Best Innovation Culture” at the Corporate Culture Awards (2018).

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