We actively engage in dialogue with various stakeholders and networks to advance sustainability in the corporate context, in our business environment and for our stakeholders. An open and continuous exchange is essential to pick up on current trends, discuss environmental and social issues, take up suggestions and recommendations, and also contribute with our expertise. We actively participate, among others, in the following initiatives:

The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is the world's largest and most important initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance. It calls on companies worldwide to align their strategies and activities with universal principles for human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a global, CEO-led organization with around 200 member companies. Its goal is to drive the transition to a sustainable world by improving business models on sustainability, developing science-based solutions, and sharing members' views on a variety of sustainability topics.

As the voice of the European chemical industry, the European association of chemical companies (Cefic) is devoted to promoting a chemical industry that is broadly recognized to provide sustainable, safe and resource efficient solutions, foster prosperity, growth and investments in Europe and provide safe and resource efficient solutions to meet the challenges for future generations. Based on the Responsible Care Programme®, Cefic and its members have developed a Sustainability Charter and agreed on a sustainable development roadmap to foster innovation and to deliver on sustainability goals, aligned to Cefic’s Sustainable Development Vision.

Together for Sustainability (TfS) is a joint initiative of chemical companies to enhance sustainability standards within the supply chain. The goal of TfS is the global standardization of supplier evaluations and auditing. This means developing and implementing a global supplier engagement program that assesses and improves sustainability (ESG) sourcing practices.

econsense, Forum for Sustainable Development of German Business e.V., is an association of internationally operating companies in German business to actively shape the change to a more sustainable economy and society. econsense proactively addresses sustainability challenges and advocates frameworks and policies that foster sustainable innovation.

Under the umbrella of Chemie³, the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI), the ‘Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union’ (IG BCE), and the German Federation of Chemical Employers’ Associations (BAVC) have joined forces to further the cause of sustainable development.
The core of the initiative Chemie³ is formed by 12 guidelines for sustainability. Basic elements are an open dialog and to support chemical companies to put guidelines for a sustainable value creation into practices.