Actively working for sustainable industrial policy in North Rhine-Westphalia

NRW policy is site policy

Covestro is firmly rooted in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). With three major production sites in Leverkusen, Dormagen and Krefeld-Uerdingen, the company is contributing to the state's value creation and prosperity. More than 6,450 people work at Covestro in NRW.

The three NRW sites are located no more than 70 kilometers apart and form a site network. In addition to the qualified employees, the strength of this network lies in particular in the modern plants with the highest safety and environmental standards, the networking of the production facilities, and synergies in the use of resources. Many products and innovations that hold their own and succeed on the global market come from the Covestro's sites in North Rhine Westphalia.

The positive development of NRW as an industrial location is of great importance to the company. That is why Covestro is committed to promoting policy solutions that foster the highest levels of competitiveness and innovation. Covestro is convinced that the best solutions can only be developed through open dialog. The company’s advocacy work reflects this belief.

Bringing expertise into policy

As a leading company in the chemical industry, Covestro takes responsibility and involves itself in the political process. The materials manufacturer provides constructive support to policy makers in North Rhine-Westphalia, introducing ideas and taking positions on issues of central importance to the industry. To this end, Covestro relies on ongoing communication with representatives of the state government and members of the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia. The company dialogs with local political decision-makers in the production site communities of Leverkusen, Dormagen, and Krefeld-Uerdingen as well.

Covestro sees itself as an active part of a broader conversation about current and future issues. The company is represented in numerous associations and initiatives in North Rhine-Westphalia, including on the board of the VCI NRW and as a member of initiatives such as ChemCologne, KlimaDiskurs.NRW and IN4Climate NRW.

Sample of associations and initiatives in North Rhine-Westphalia Covestro participates in

Klima Diskurs NRW
Verband der Chemischen Industrie

Covestro’s political advocacy in North Rhine-Westphalia

As part of the chemical industry, Covestro is interested in a wide range of political and social issues. Covestro advocates energy policies that focus on sustainable and secure supplies of electricity at competitive prices; industrial policies that foster the competitiveness of companies and their acceptance in society; and economic policies that encourage to further invest in innovation. It advocates policies with an openness to technology, policies that would drive new solutions in the area of the Circular Economy and alternative raw materials, for example. And it advocates transportation policies that ensure efficient and productive infrastructure.

State policy issues from our perspective

  • Climate neutrality

    What drives us: climate neutrality on the road to a circular economy.

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  • Chemical Recycling

    Covestro is promoting innovative technologies to bring plastic waste back into the value chain. Chemical recycling, in particular, needs to be advanced.

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  • Alternative Raw Materials

    To make plastics even more sustainable, Covestro plans to produce them increasingly from alternative raw materials instead of petroleum. And thus advance the circular economy.

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  • Circular Economy

    Covestro is committed to fully embracing the circular economy and becoming a driving force for the entire plastics industry.

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  • Power supply

    A circular economy that truly conserves resources requires a comprehensive approach. Covestro is therefore converting its sites worldwide to eco-energy and increasing energy efficiency through innovative processes.

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  • Innovation

    Sustainability is at the center of everything Covestro does. It is the decisive part of the corporate strategy and the driving forces behind the company.

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Active in North Rhine-Westphalia

Covestro is constantly on the move. For example, the company cooperates closely with universities and colleges in North Rhine-Westphalia researching to develop new products. At its production sites, Covestro is also involved in schools, training program cooperation, and local digitalization.

Covestro’s involvement in North Rhine-Westphalia also includes a newsletter and its own event formats for exchanges with political leaders, such as the site meeting with members of the state parliament whose districts are home to the region’s production sites. In addition, Covestro regularly talks to representatives of the council groups at its sites. After all, continuous exchange is important – even if there is no current issue on the political agenda.

Latest news

At its sites, in Düsseldorf, and throughout North Rhine-Westphalia: Covestro is always active.

  • Driving forward pioneering technologies

    Covestro is investing EUR 100 million in innovation centers for research and development worldwide. Over a period of three years until 2025, the company is thus securing its future competitiveness in a challenging environment.

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  • Sustainable innovation in chemistry

    Covestro invests over EUR 12 million in the CAT Catalytic Centre Aachen. The Catalysis Research Center of Covestro and RWTH Aachen University is continuing the already good collaboration in future-oriented research for sustainable and recyclable materials. The aim is to reduce emissions through new polymers, efficient recycling and alternative raw materials such as biomass.

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  • Fostering enthusiasm for programming

    Thanks to the support of Covestro, the Municipal Education Office of the City of Leverkusen was able to purchase 20 LEGO Spike Prime robot sets for four schools. These allow students to experience the excitement of computer science and natural sciences in a playful way, both in class and in after-school clubs. They are also using the sets to train for the 2025 state-wide zdi robot competition.

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  • State-of-the-art technical center opened

    Covestro has inaugurated its new, state-of-the-art technical center for high-viscosity technology at Chempark Leverkusen. In future, this will support the manufacturer of high-quality plastics in improving established plastic products, developing new processes and optimizing production processes.

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  • World's first pilot plant for bio-based aniline

    In the presence of NRW Minister of Economic Affairs Mona Neubaur, Covestro has commissioned a pilot plant at its Leverkusen site to produce the chemical aniline completely on the basis of plant biomass instead of crude oil for the first time. The production of larger quantities of bio-based aniline should help to further develop the new technology and transfer it to an industrial scale - a further step on the way to a circular economy.

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  • Covestro expert advises NRW on bioeconomy

    Dr. Gernot Jäger, Head of the Biotechnology Research Department at Covestro, is a member of the newly created Bioeconomy Council of the NRW state government. The 15 members of the independent body are to develop a bioeconomy strategy for North Rhine-Westphalia over the next two years.

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  • On the way to climate-neutral mobility

    Innovative material solutions from Covestro are already making an important contribution to more sustainable vehicles and infrastructures. That is why the materials manufacturer is supporting Team Sonnenwagen, a team of students from RWTH Aachen University and Aachen University of Applied Sciences, as the main sponsor for another two years.

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  • Climate-neutral production at NRW sites

    On the way to operational climate neutrality by 2035, Covestro has presented an action plan for its three NRW sites. The focus is on the use of 100% renewable energy sources, climate-neutral steam generation and a significant increase in energy efficiency.

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  • Low-water vessel "COURAGE" in operation

    Covestro and HGK Shipping GmbH put the new low-water vessel "COURAGE" into operation at the beginning of March 2023. The modern low-water vessel has a particularly efficient diesel-electric propulsion system and can also be converted to new propulsion systems such as hydrogen.

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  • Hydrogen initiative / KlimaDiskurs.NRW

    Covestro is a co-founder of the “Future Hydrogen.NRW” initiative. The initiative aims to provide constructive support for the development and expansion of a hydrogen economy in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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Contact Person

Florian Frankenau

Florian Frankenau

Head of Politics at Covestro in North Rhine-Westphalia

Related topics

Curious? You can find further information on important topics related to Covestro Germany here.

  • Germany

    Federal politics

    The Liaison Office in Berlin links Covestro to German policy makers. It allows the company to participate more closely in political and regulatory debates.

  • Germany

    Public Affairs

    Covestro‘s political advocacy activities abide by the Group directives “Responsible Lobbying” and “Corporate Compliance.

  • Germany


    Covestro wants to be a good neighbor for the people around its production sites and supports many exciting projects and great associations.

  • Germany


    Around 7.250 employees work for Covestro at six sites in Germany.

  • Germany

    Sustainability & Innovation

    In the development of its new materials and products, Covestro relies on the innovative strength of its employees.

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