Bouncing bubbles
You will need:
- A measuring cup
- A transparent bottle
- Cotton gloves
- Dishwasher detergent
- Water
- Straws
- Bamboo chopsticks
Step-by-step instructions:
- Use a 50cc measuring cup to measure out 30cc of dishwasher detergent and pour it into the transparent bottle.
- Use a 150cc measuring cup to measure out 120cc of water and again pour it into the transparent bottle.
- Use the bamboo chopsticks to stir the resulting mixture slowly and evenly.
(This is to avoid generating small amounts of foam that may affect the results of the experiment.) - Try using the straw to blow bubbles.
- Wear a cotton glove on one of your hands.
- Use the straw to blow a bubble into the air with a straw.
- Gently touch the bubble with the cotton glove and the bubble will bounce up and down.
※ REMEMBER!The ratio of the dishwasher detergent to water should be 1:4
How it works:
The main reason why a bubble will burst is because its surface (the bubble’s film) has been damaged. Take a balloon as an example. If you poke the balloon with your finger, it will not burst. However, if you poke the balloon with a needle, it will burst right away. This is because the needle is sharp, meaning that it can damage the surface of the balloon. As soon as a hole is made in the balloon’s surface, the balloon will burst, as a result of the tension around the hole.
When your hand touches the surface of the bubble’s film, the bubble will burst like a balloon being poked by a needle, because your hand is hard. The fibers of the cotton glove, however, are relatively soft, much like soft springs. As a result, the bubbles bounce up and down, instead of immediately bursting.
*Resource come from: NTCU Science Game Lab.