NEnzy Group Represented at Scientific Conferences

Members of NEnzy joined three scientific conferences during the year to exchange and network with other researchers. The three Ph.D. fellows of the junior research group - Daniela Knopp, Georg Röhling and Linda Pastor - participated in the 'Novel Enzymes 2023' in Greifswald (Germany), the 'BIOTRANS 2023' in La Rochelle (France) and the 'Plastics Recycling and Upcycling GRC 2023' in Manchester (USA), respectively.

The Novel Enzymes conference focused on recent advances in enzyme research, modern computational methods for enzyme engineering, novel chemical processes using biocatalysts, integration of multiple enzymes in multistep cascades, and the combinations with metal-, organo-, photo- and electrochemistry.

The 'BIOTRANS', as one of the largest conferences in the field of biocatalysis and biotransformation, provides a broad overview of recent progress in this research area. In particular, the focus was on enzyme discovery and design, reaction engineering, enzyme mechanisms, synthetic biology, enzymatic cascades and industrial biocatalysis.

In addition, the 'Plastics Recycling and Upcycling Gordon Research Conference (GRC)' focused on the recycling and upcycling of different types of plastics and furthermore addressed topics like understanding the scope of the plastics problem, new approaches to re- and upcycling, and the use of new building blocks to produce new plastics. During the conference much emphasis was placed on interdisciplinarity and the sharing of unpublished results.

Across these three conferences of varying size, the Ph.D. fellows had the opportunity to attend exciting and inspiring presentations delivered by leading experts in their respective research areas. Moreover, the Ph.D. fellows were able to present their own research in the form of posters and were available for questions and discussion.

