Industry Clean Up Day – May 2023
The team of Covestro Australia participated in an Industry Clean Up Day in May, the first time for a number of years that the Chemical Industry has come together to run this event. Organized by Dow, and through Chemistry Australia and Tangaroa Blue, a total of 96 people volunteered their time through a range of organizations, including the Chemical industry, Transport Industry and Local Councils.
A total of 500kg of waste was collected during the event, with a large component of the waste collected from industrial sources. Tangaroa Blue weighed and separated the waste, then logging that collected into a data base that is used to address the flow of litter at the source.

This is a small part of a bigger commitment to raise awareness about responsible waste management and engagement of everybody to address plastic pollution, and to inspire year-long action to live more sustainably.
Covestro Australia supporting the Covestro Global Commitment as “individuals and as a company, we need to care for our Planet”, Clean Up Day is putting this into action and making positive change.
From our CEO Markus Steilemann : “Resource consumption is increasing, mountains of waste are growing – with negative consequences for the environment and climate. There is an urgent need to take countermeasures and fundamentally change consumer habits and production patterns. We need to make the circular economy a reality, and the recycling of plastics is crucial for this. Covestro can and wants to play a central role in this”.